Bassklarinette (1), Baritonsaxophon (1), Violoncello (1)
ad Baritonsaxophon: oder 2. Bassklarinette
Bezugsquelle/Partitur und Stimmen: Ricordi Berlin
"Fondamenta – Hommage à Joseph Brodsky was influenced by Venice, where, all at once, water rushes out, sweeps in, wells up, and plunges on. I must confess that my inspiration for this trio were purely visual – sometimes, in Venice, one suddenly realizes that no waves exist on the water’s surface, but rather that it is only the glitter of the wet shore or wet streets. The musical “illusions” in this piece echo the ambiguous images presented by the water."
Werkkommentar (Ricordi Berlin), abgerufen am 24.06.2021 []
Widmung: Hommage à Joseph Brodsky
Auftrag: Ensemble 21 zum 5-jährigen Bestehen / Columbia University
15. April 1998 - Columbia University, New York (USA)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 24. 6. 2021): Neuwirth Olga . Fondamenta. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 13. 9. 2024).