Flöte (1), Klarinette (1), Posaune (1), Klavier (1), Violine (1), Kontrabass (1)
"Iqra is the first verse of the Qur’an, which was disclosed. It means: recite! This expresses already the essence of the Qur’an. It is about recitation. The Qur’an-Recitation has a more than 1400-year tradition. It is inherent musical and structural. My piece Iqra (2015) is, like A.Q.A.R. (2014) for ensemble and tape and Ğumu’ah for oboe and piano (2015), continuing my discursive and critical work with different sound-characteristics of the Qur’an-Recitation. The compositional research of the Qur’an-Recitation, free of an ideology and dogmatism, is not well explored in art music even now, and is thus an avant-garde working field. The aim of my artistic research is to find a new aesthetics of the Qur’an in the 21st century. Each of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an has an unique rhythmical and aural structure, an individual phrasing, an individual tone. Thus, the artistic potential that is inherent in this field of work, is The starting point for this piece was a aural and structural analysis of chapter Al-Ĥāqqah (69) in the recitation of Sheikh Shuraim with a Duration of 4’27’’. The generation of the different parameters of music have their basis in that recitation. The inner energy of the recitation is transformed into the piece and leads to a transcendental and metaphysical aspect. Discursive interculturality in the art music of the 21st century is of high priority in our global age and can drive new musical developments. Through aural and structural integration of various elements of the Qur’an-Recitation in a critical and discursive way, I want to contribute with my work to the artistic development on an intercultural and global level."
Hakan Ulus / Website von Hakan Ulus [2021], abgerufen am 28.11.2021 [http://www.hakanulus.de/de/werke/iqra]
Auftrag: I-Park Foundation
Widmung: Ensemble mise-en
23. August 2015 - USA, East Haddam, St.Stephens Episcopal Church
Mitwirkende: Ensemble mise-en, Moon Young Ha (Leitung)
Weitere Informationen: Entstehungsorte - Singapur_Salzburg
Titel: Iqra (2015)
Plattform: SoundCloud
Herausgeber: Hakan Ulus
Datum: 11. September 2015
Mitwirkende: Ensemble mise-en, Moon Young Ha (Leitung)
Weitere Informationen: Konzert - 24.08.2015, New York City
Titel: Hakan Ulus: Iqra (2015, NY premiere) EXCERPT
Plattform: Vimeo
Herausgeber: Ensemble mise-en
Mitwirkende: Ensemble mise-en, Moon Young Ha (Leitung)
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 28. 11. 2021): Ulus Hakan . Iqra. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db20.musicaustria.at/node/191315 (Abrufdatum: 15. 9. 2024).