Live-Elektronik u. Elektronik bzw. Zuspielung, Performance (zeitgenössicher Tanz u. Schauspiel)
"Music for the play was created on demand (performance-directors Barbara Klein and Paola Bianchi, at Kosmos Theatre Vienna) in cooperation with Electric Indigo.
We produced modules of sound for the scenes, which were then performed live by one of us during the play. Sound was precisely timed with the performance of the actors, triggered live at certain cues."
Pia Palme (2011)
Oktober 2011 - Wien, KosmosTheater
Mitwirkende: Electric Indigo bzw. Susanne Kirchmayr & Pia Palme (Komposition u. Elektronik), Barbara Klein & Paola Bianchi (performance-director)
Weitere Informationen: co-composed in cooperation with Electric Indigo
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 18. 2. 2021): Palme Pia, Kirchmayr Susanne . Das kleine Zimmer am Ende der Treppe. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: (Abrufdatum: 12. 2. 2025).